
How YouTube Subscribers & the Subscriptions Tab Work


Subscribers are viewers who have opted in to see more of your videos, and they watch them from all areas of the site. They’re your core audience and biggest fans, who often provide important initial signals about new videos you release.

The Subscriptions tab is an area of the site that shows a collection of videos from channels a viewer is subscribed to. This feed includes highlighted videos, and a list of all the most recent uploads.

As a reminder, subscribers also see some Subscription content on Home and in Suggested Videos.


• Ask viewers to subscribe in a genuine way, explaining both the benefits and how it supports you.
• Ask them to subscribe in your videos when viewer sentiment is at its highest (such as after a big laugh or a scene’s climax).
• Educate viewers on where they will see your channel’s videos once subscribed.
• Make videos public when you think your viewers are most likely watching. Consider referencing your watch time reports by country and/or state.
• Keep in mind, on average, viewers are subscribed to dozens of channels.
• Understand it’s common to have more subscribers than views.
• Make a repeatable show out of your ideas.
• Remember, that it’s normal for uploading to be met with unsubscribes.
• See how many people subscribe to your channel by clicking into the Subscribers report in YouTube Analytics. It can be helpful to compare your watch time from subscribers with watch time from other traffic sources.
• You can see the traffic from your subscribers by going to your Traffic Sources report and clicking ‘Browse features’ and then viewing the data for ‘Subscribers’.

MYTH: “YouTube unsubscribes people from channels.”

TRUTH: YouTube doesn’t unsubscribe people. If that happens, it’s a bug, and we are looking into every possibility of that.

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